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Background of the Study

The world in which we live is dynamic in nature this is as a result

of man’s attempt to discover the unknown facts. This has been the

situation since the inception of the world. History holds it that man

right from creation is full of attempt to probe in the unknown aspects of

his environment.

Perhaps as a result of this circumstance he was endowed with the

precious and natural tendency to find answers to unanswered questions.

It was in view of this fact therefore man realized that all attempt in

making new discoveries can only be made effective through acquisition

of knowledge. From all indications education is seen as the bedrock for

nation building which cannot be over emphasized. One of the major

functions of education is to provide the learner with certain fundamental

and specific skills which he will need upon entry into the world of work

as noted by Fafunwa (1991).

A nation that is fast developing and advancing in technology and

medical science need to modify it standard of education the challenges

in education and the practice as well. Nursing is known to be both

theoretically and practically oriented with special emphasis on practical

aspect. Therefore for effective nursing care and practice to be

guaranteed its member must be very well equipped with practical skills.

According to Henderson (1963) nursing is defined as the

assistance given to the individual sick or well in the performance of

those activities contributing to health or its recovery or to a peaceful

death that he would have performed unaided if he had the necessary

strength will power or knowledge. Nursing education is the training of

persons to acquire the skills and practice of nursing education. The

planning and implementation of successful nursing education involves

the development of nursing curriculum that prepared students for

practical skills. Students practical room is the place called demonstration

room where students’ nurses go into and practice their practical aspects

(procedure) of nursing. the demonstration room is equipped with

instrument for various types of procedure. Students practical room skills

in college of nursing and midwifery science provide the needed

knowledge students can acquire for practical in nursing. the practical

are demonstrated to students nurses by the clinical instructors in the

demonstration room after having the knowledge of the theoretical

aspect. The tutors in the class enable the student nurse to be able to

care for the client in the clinical area before and after their nursing

education. The practical skills are reception and admission of patient in

the wards other activities include care of the mouth and teeth (oral

toilet) administration medication of drugs such as orally or injectable

bed making taking of vital signs bed bath care of the pressure areas


Clinical setting aims at developing nursing skills competence in

performance of nursing duties and promoting a sense of professional

responsibilities. If the clinical area where students spend most of their

time during training could not meet this requirement of efficient

knowledge it will affect the student performance in their graduation. It

should be noted that lack of quality nursing care to the client could lead

to the increase in mortality rate.

Despite the training the students nurses are said to have received

the researcher noticed that the student are not able to carry out their

nursing practice effectively because some of them can not recognise or

idetntify some of the equipment used in carrying out some of the

procedures. Based on the given background the researcher desires to

appraise students’ practical room skill in College of Nursing and

Midwifery Science Sokoto state.

Statement of the Problem

The problem of this study is on students’ practical skills in the

practical rooms student in ability to carrying out practical activities

effectively which can affect the welfare of the patient which sometimes

results to prolong stay in the hospital or death of the patient. the

researcher also noticed that most of the students do not perform well in

their final qualifying examinations. This is because they lack the basic

procedures they are supposed to have experienced during their practical

activities. For instance the result of students from the available record

of final qualifying examination the table below shows the result of

practical examination over the year 2007-2011.

Percentage of Failure in Final Qualifying Examination in State

School of Nursing


Number of Students

that sat for the


Number of Students

that failed the























Source: Examination Office 2012

Purpose of the Study

The study will be carried out to appraise students’ practical skills in

College of Nursing and Midwifery Science Sokoto. The study will

specifically achieve the following objectives:

1. To find out whether resources for teaching are adequate for

practical skill in College of Nursing and Midwifery Sokoto.

2. To identify methods used by tutors and clinical instructors in

teaching of practical skills.

3. To suggest ways of improving the performances of students in

practical aspect.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study would be beneficial to the followings

students nurse patients (most especially in-patient) management of

College of Nursing and Midwifery Science Sokoto policy makers of

Ministry of Health Sokoto and nursing profession in general.

Students’ nurses would be able to carry out effective and efficient

procedure in the final qualifying examination. It is also hoped that

patients would benefit because they are at the receiving end with

increase proficiency in student practical skills such patients will receive

adequate nursing care and all nursing procedure will be properly carried

out and correctly. Management of College of Nursing and Midwifery

Science Sokoto if they can integrate such recommendations it will

enhance students’ performance in practical skill and final examination as


Policy makers of Ministry of Health if they would adopt and

integrate such policies and recommendations it will guide them in

providing necessary equipment as well as adequate and trained clinical

instructors. This will help in reducing the rate of failure in the final


Research Questions

The study was guided by the following research questions:

1. How adequate are the resources for teaching practical skills in

College of Nursing and Midwifery Science Sokoto

2. What methods do tutors and clinical instructors use in the teaching

of practical skills?

3. How can students’ performance be improved in practical skills in

College of Nursing and Midwifery Science Sokoto?

Scope of the Study

The study will be concern with the appraisal of students’ practical

room skills in College of Nursing and Midwifery Science Sokoto. Its

main concern will be on students’ practical room skills as well as

teachers’ method of teaching. The resource will be included but other

aspects such as the facilities and the conducive environment will be out

of the focus of this study.

Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    national diploma (nd)

Additionnal content

Table of content
Cover page

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